I have previously drawn some flak for saying these things on this site, but I will repeat once more (mainly because I don't &#*king care!).
During the seventeen or so years I lived and worked in Papua New Guinea, I was continually amazed at the ease with which many of the local people could locate objects that others had lost. These included events that had happened totally outside their previous experience, so it was not as if they were subconsciously drawing on past events to reach the conclusions that they did, either.
It did go further than locating lost objects, too. I did see similar happening with the tracking down of persons who went "missing" and didn't want to be found (The rest I will leave to your imagination!) Likewise for the arrival of the coastal steamer which services the New Guinea Islands. It runs strictly to an "Islands Time" type of schecule - i.e. +/- a day or two each way. Yet, to the continual astonishment of the Expatriate community, the local people always knew exactly when that steamer was going to arrive at their wharf.
We once used to hear a lot about "Extra-Sensory Perception" (ESP). There could well be much more yet to learn on that subject.